One Woman Makes a Difference

One Woman Makes a Difference Virtual Celebration Series 

2020 Program Book

Each year She Leads Justice celebrates women who make a difference in the lives of women and girls in Connecticut! In keeping everyone’s health and safety at the forefront, we took what would have been our Annual Awards Dinner and reimagined it into multiple intimate virtual celebrations with She Leads Justice’s One Woman Makes a Difference Virtual Celebration Series!

She Leads Justice will offer sponsors and virtual table hosts a selection of dates and times this fall to join She Leads Justice’s interim Executive Director, Eileen Scully and Board President, Ashika Brinkley for an hour of networking and learning about the initiatives that She Leads Justice has been working on this past year, as well as the efforts we have planned for the coming months. In true One Woman Makes a Difference spirit, you and your guests will get to watch the 2020 Honoree Video, and learn about the women She Leads Justice has recognized for their indelible determination in caring for and protecting Connecticut’s women and girls throughout what has been an already tumultuous year.

We know that it may not be the same as years past, but She Leads Justice is still honored to be able to bring the essence of One Woman to the virtual world, as well as connect with so many of our friends, donors and supporters in this format! Help us by continuing to be a Champion for Women and Girls in the state and commit to sponsoring or hosting a virtual party today!

2020 Honorees