Women’s Wisdom Circles

Issue In Action

Women’s collective wisdom can influence statewide legislative change!

Join the Circle to make change!

Women’s Wisdom Circles at She Leads Justice provide a space to discuss issues impacting our communities, discover ways to make legislative change in CT, and be in community with the wise women we are and know. 

Register Here!

About Women’s Wisdom Circles

What are Women’s Wisdom Circles?

Women’s Wisdom Circles are discussion circles to dig deep, to share your story, and to hear what is being said by other women. Together we will break down barriers to advocate for real legislative change at the state level. Women’s Wisdom Circles will be offered 12 times this year, beginning January 11, 2024.

Why do Women’s Wisdom Circles Exist?

The circles serve as the foundation for She Leads Justice’s policy and organizing work to inform and drive change through an understanding that the laws and policy changes we see being made may not address the key issues women in our communities face.

When and Where will they take place?

The circles take place beginning January 11, 2024. Each two-hour-long circle conversation will follow an online and in-person hybrid model on the second Thursday of every month through December 2024.

Who can join?

Those participating in the Women’s Wisdom Circle…

  • Are interested in policy and advocacy work that promotes women’s economic security.
  • Hold or aim to be in a leadership position within any group working for change. (For example: a school, parent organization, community group, union, policy, etc!)
  • Are an organizer, advocate, or activist who centers women.
  • Want to be in community with women who stand up for their communities and desire to help create change statewide! 
  • Want to ensure the wisdom of the women you know are considered in policy.

Women’s Wisdom Circles are for women-identified folks (i.e., Trans Women, Cis Women, Gender expansive/non-conforming femmes and AFAB) who live in Connecticut, as well as people of all marginalized gender identities systemically and historically oppressed by those in power.

What topics will be discussed?

  • Power
  • Policy Change
  • Organizing
  • Advocacy
  • Working with elected officials
  • Activism
  • Women’s Leadership
  • Creating Campaigns
  • Recruiting
  • Direct Service
  • Community Building
  • Creating access
  • And so much more…