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Take Action for Paid Sick + Safe Days!

Issue In Action

Use our template to write a letter to your legislator explaining why they need to vote YES on SB 7: An Act Concerning Connecticut Paid Sick Days.
Use this link to find your legislator.

a photo of someone typing on the computer in the background with a purple filter over the image. a blue circle over the photo with the text “Write Your Legislator: Vote Yes on SB 7. Pass SB 7: An Action Concerning Paid Sick Days”
2 ways to use this template:

Download the PDF
Print it out and complete the letter with your words!
Mail the completed letter to She Leads Justice and we will get it to the capitol!
Mailing address:
She Leads Justice
PO Box 320460
Hartford, CT 06132

Download the PDF
Complete the letter using your computer or smartphone, and save it or take a photo of it!
Use the form below to upload your letter, or email it to and we will print it and get it to the capitol!

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